"So far, so good. You don't seem to be annoying, anyway."
That's how Flan (of
Prone to Whimsy fame) once summed up my blog, and I've always tried to live up to that standard because it seems like the kind of standard that's low enough for me to handle without having to set down my beer and really play.
Recently, however, she raised the bar on me by sending me one of these in all of its jpeggy goodness:

According to the designer of this award, "This prize has arisen from the daily visits that I dedicate to many blogs which nourish me and enrich me with creativity. In them, I see dedication, creativity, care, comradeship, but mainly, ART, much art. I want to share this prize with all those bloggers that entertain me day to day and to share this prize with those who enrich me every day."
So, here are the rules:
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award through creativity, design, interesting material, and also contributes to the blogger community, no matter of language.
(DS: Shouldn't that be "
up to 5 blogs"? Otherwise you end up with a sort of Ponzi award that ends up going to blogs like, well, mine. Oh, well. It's your award. You can dilute the brand if you so choose...)
2. Each award should have the name of the author with a link to their blog.
3. Award winners have to post the award with the name and link to the blog of the person who gave them the award.
(check, see above)
4. Please include a link to the “
Arte Y Pico” blog so that everyone will know where the award came from.
5. Show these rules.
(and check)
My list of awards should come as no surprise to anyone:
Johnny Yen -
Here Comes Johnny Yen AgainI've known Johnny for a long time. He's probably the smartest guy I know, and more importantly, he's wise, which is a vanishingly rare quality these days. Johnny's a big-picture kind of guy who does the right thing just because it's the right thing to do, and his blog shows it. Touching and insightful, funny and heartbreaking, his blog sets the standard to which all others should aspire. You know, or not, in which case they can join me down at the shallow end of the blogging pool.
However, because Johnny knows
everybody, and because I can never do anything on time, somebody beat me to the punch. Suck it, rules! Johnny gets two.
Vikkitikkitavi -
Bells OnFile under Socks, Removal Of, Via Knocking. I always look forward to new posts on Vikki's fierce and funny blog. I particularly admire the well-researched way she vents her wrath upon the oh-so-deserving. When I'm reduced to incoherent apoplexy by some right wing nut job, I can count on Vikki to tear them a new one in a way that leaves me not only feeling better but smarter just for reading it.
Well, crap. She has one of these too.
Becks -
The Pop EyeDespite my dismal performance in the Firecrotch of the Month contests, I have to give one of these to Becks. The Chelsea Handler to my Chuy, Becks is always on top of a good pop culture news story. Always on point, Becks always makes sure I don't suffer from a Schadenfreude deficiency.
OK, obviously, I wrote this before I became Firecrotch of the Month. I have
got to finish these posts more quickly...
Splotchy -
I SplotchySplotchy's totally genius
Adopt An Actor program has brought joy to millio... thousan... many! But most importantly, it has brought joy to
me. The rest of you can find your own joy. Ever since I adopted her, I've found that I get a little warm feeling whenever I catch sight of my adoptee on TV.
No updates to this one? Let's move on before something changes.
Dale -
The Passion of the DaleAbly assisted by his supporting cast, my fellow Catherine Tate enthusiast never fails to amuse. I may have been hooked by his tales of Honeypot, the Korean Bagel Lady, and Our Elvis of the Railways, but they are only part of what keeps me coming back. His dry and urbane observations are exactly what I need to start off my uncivilized day south of the border, and his willingness to
shoulder the blame makes him an ideal blogging companion. While you're there, listen to his audio posts. If I ever write a book, I'm asking him to record the audiobook. I'd make a joke about Canadian dollars here if our economy wasn't circling the drain.
...but it is.
And there we have it. Only 60% of my awards were outdated by the time I finished writing this.