Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So Much To Mock, So Little Time

There was just so much wrong with this episode, but sadly I have just not had the time to do it justice. From the Diet Dr. Pepper Quickfire to Radicchio's new mini-me and his sad, over-the-top attempts to bring the heat, it was chock-full of mind boggling juicy goodness.

I am going to have to phone this one in with a mini-snynopsis next week. I hope that will be the last time.

Until then, ponder my new favorite oxymoron: "British food critic". Sure, the words make sense individually, and you can even pair them up sensibly. It's only when you insist upon putting all three together that the whole thing goes south.


Johnny Yen said...

And of course, there's that timeless oxymoron, "English Cuisine." (I usually follow that with "Choose one.")

deadspot said...

I'm firmly convinced that the British Raj was just a really desperate attempt to get a decent curry.

Johnny Yen said...

I have actually theorized that this was the entire basis of imperialism, which many historians think was not particularly profitiable. I think that the Brits were just out for some decent chow.

deadspot said...

I'm with you on that. Where did Germany go first whenever they decided to take over the world? France.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Waiting on the mockery... hurry up!

Dale said...

Toby tries so hard though doesn't he?

vikkitikkitavi said...

Every word out of that dude's mouth sounds like he's trying it out for some future review. He sucks. Bad move, Bravo.