Friday, June 15, 2007

Game On!

That other stuff? When we were getting our asses kicked and they were bombing inside the Green Zone and shit, and Baghdad was spiraling further into chaos? You know, when we were, like, totally fucked and stuff? Like, say, yesterday? That doesn't count. Hooray!

Now we can start keeping score.

"Now everyone is here, this is when General Petraeus intends the surge to start as it was envisaged, with everyone working together to bring the levels of violence down in Baghdad," according to the army mouthpiece.

Now, if they'd just been here on Wednesday... but hey, we weren't quite ready then. Now things are gonna be different!

Oh, except they said that it's going to take a couple of months for the last guys to tie their shoes and get on the field. Expect the next round of cries for "do over" to begin within 30 to 60 days: "Now everyone is operational, this is when General Petraeus intends the surge to start as it was envisaged, with everyone working together to bring the levels of violence down in Baghdad. Not that other time. We were here, but we weren't ready to start yet."


Johnny Yen said...

The violence in Baghdad has gone down marginally, but has increased in the areas they haven't brought the extra soldiers. Perhaps we should give Petraus a balloon, and have him squeeze one end, and see what the result is. He might get a picture of what's happening in Iraq.

Writeprocrastinator said...

Jeez, one big cluster-you-know-what.

Anonymous said...

it's all about being ready to start. Just like I'm ready to start my diet. Yup, just about any time now...

deadspot said...

I'm guessing this whole "Now we start keeping score" thing worked for them once in a grade school kickball game, and they've been trying it ever since.